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My Blog. 
Your Best Nest.


Writer's picture: Dr. Jamie Claus GetzDr. Jamie Claus Getz

This one is so basic. So obvious. Sooooooo preachy.

It is rare to check-out at the grocery store without a campaign to give to a charity of some sort to "round up" for animals in shelters or children with chronic illnesses. The opportunity to give is everywhere.

Giving to others increases our own well-being. It gives us a mental boost and has both a physical impact and a spritual effect on us.

Giving is good. And it is godly.

I have always been a giver, and I am working on recieving. Perhaps that will be the next blog I write. I will call it "Recieve" and it will be about the other side of giving.

When we conduct covert acts of kindness, we help restore people's faith in God and humanity, just by the simple act of kindness and the extension of a generous heart.

Mathew 6:1-4 reminds us to act in kind and generous ways without being seen or rewarded by man or earthly prizes. Matthew 6:3 reads, "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." Jesus is warning his followers about the importance of motivations behind acts of generosity. Jesus goes on to tell his listeneres to be careful not to practice their righteousness in ways seen by or announced to others. Charitable acts are between the giver and the Lord, rather than the giver and the receipient or bystanders. The offering is driven by the giver's relationship with the Lord and in a purehearted effort to spread the Word and share the provisions of God.

Have you heard of the "Generosity Factor"? If you haven't, you've gotta read this book.

(Click the link to order an audible or paperback copy:

You will see why I get so excited about giving and even more excited about the idea of big- time, wealthy, influential folks who embrace their God-gifted talents and treasures and GIVE on a large scale. The authors Ken Blanchard and S. Truett Cathy, ( the founder of Chick-fil-A restaurants), present The Generosity Factor--a parable that demonstrates the virtues of generosity.

Photo from Public Domain Pictures

What have you given lately?

Was it time, with your phone face down in the kitchen, to listen to your spouse share their day? Was it winter clothes, of which you have excess, to prepare those less fortunate for cold weather? Or was it financial support to a cause or an injured community member on the journey to making things better?

The Cleveland Clinic wrote an article in December of 2022 titled "Why Giving is Good for your Health". There is science behind it. And why wouldn't there be? We are made in God's image. To advance His Kingdom. To live with a free will to decide. To do what we can to be as Christlike as we can muster.

There is a chemical response and a release of serotonin (the mood regulator), dopamine (the sense-of-pleasure maker) , and oxytocin (the connection and attachment matchmaker between Mom and infant and guy and gal). It is stated that blood pressure is lower for those who give, along with lower stress levels, and a longer lifespan.

In our economy, I get it. It is hard to open your wallet and give as freely as you might have before (it is hard to even open your wallet some days and find 'enough' to pay for your fuel and items from the grocery), but giving comes in so many forms and often costs nothing at all to get that "helper high" and a burst of feel good chemicals. And the best part is, you are ONLY giving what GOD has already given you. James 1:17 reminds us that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning".

Sometimes the best thing you can give is your time, care, and attention. Life is moving at lightning speed. People are going through it. People are struggling all around us and the act of giving time and sharing a few minutes to emapthize is so valuable. Listen to them. Listen for the Lord. Share God's Word, And share a prayer with them near you or from afar.

Consider an act of service. Water someone's flowers or take them some tomatoes from your garden. Offer to watch their kiddos so they can have a movie night-in to spend uninterrupted quality time together or go to Bible study "kid free" for a night. Ask if you can share your talent and make them a blanket for winter, in exchange for one of the cool sweatshirts they print on their crafty machine thingy (you can tell this is not one of my giftings because I don't even know what to call that cool cut-out craft machine thingy that everyone uses for creating t-shirts and tumblers, but I can make a memorable lasagna and I am happy to watch 5 kids under 7 to allow the parents some grown up time together).

Just give a little. Or a lot.

If it is charitable and from your heart, it will be given and received in love.

When giving is authentic and motivated with purity of heart. both the giver and the receiver feel God's goodness.

Warm regards,

Dr. Getz

P.S. If you missed the link for the book, here it is again:

Also, know that if you buy it, I will benefit as an Amazon affiliate.

Also, you don't have to buy it just because you really like the founder of Chick-fil-a, but it isn't a terrible reason to buy it either - lol.

Also, enjoy the parable. Embrace God's Word.

Keep giving and keep being awesome.

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