It too is biblical, just like rest, which I covered briefly in the last blog post (and the same rest that I hope you are getting more of since last week!)
As Christians we consider walking to mean moving in the way of the Lord, keeping close to Him, traveling through this life in harmony with Him. In Jeremiah 6:16 the Lord says, “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, ‘No, that’s not the road we want!’
Metaphorically, walking is greatly favored for our spiritual wellness and our ability then to reach others in need of the gospel. If we aren't on our own walk, tending to our wellness in relation to the Lord, then we are unable to help others grow nearer or come to know Him at all.
But to take a walk? Is that as important? To physically lace up our shoes, pop in our airpods, and begin a brief jaunt around the neighborhood, up three blocks to the dogpark, or on our daily commute to school or work? Keep reading for the answer and some products to add to your walking wardrobe or gear bag.
The Mayo Clinic among most others in the field of health, would say that the answer is an astounding "yes!". Yes, yes, yes, physically walking is as important to your mental wellness as your walk with the Lord is to your spiritual wellness! The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER, 1998-2024) discusses the power of exercise in 10-15 minute increments during the day, and asserts that this practice decreases signs of depression, decreases anxiety, and helps erradicate fatigue. So why not go walk the dog, or stroll to the nearest coffee shop once or so a day? Just take a walk for the health of it!
Nueroscientist Shane O'Mara talks all about the brain and body benefits in his book titled In Praise of Walking. He reveals that "the brain and nervous system give us the ability to balance, weave through a crowded city, and run our 'inner GPS' system". What we know now, more than ever, is that the brain and body connection, by way of insulin balance, well-functioning metabolism, nervous system regulation, gastrointenstinal calm, and sleep quality is real. Not only is it REAL, but also really, really important. So, WALK.
If we aren't well, we cannot be of benefit to others. We can't offer a sense of wellness if we don't have it to give. And we cannot be at our best without a balance of movement and rest, both spiritually and physically.
Go for the walk. Walk to meet the mailman at the box. Walk the "Thank you note" to the neighbor's house. Head down to the coffee shop or to the market for diapers if the grocery store is close enough. Find a trail and meander a while or go to the high school and circle the track for the nostalgia of the Friday night lights.
Oh! And while you are out, smile at someone who might need a little noticing. Likely there will be a blog post about the mental health benefits of that before too very long. Stick around.....
Below I have listed a few great products to add to your workout wardrobe for your daily walks. I do earn a commission as an affiliate and I do enjoy these products, but I do not guarantee them or warranty any of the items.
Use these links to browse some of my favs from Amazon:
The Fitbit Inspire 3 to track your steps without the worry of too many calls, texts, social media updates, or other interruptions. You and your steps, heart rate, and wellness data in a small wrist band. I think you will love it!
Adidas Sneakers- a favorite style of mine and my daughter's (she is 24 and a city gal!). These are super light weight and stylish for on and off your walk, in the gym, at school, or on the go! They are cloud foams and they are wonderfully designed for walking (or running if that is your jam!)
Airpods to drown out the noises you don't want to hear while listening to the podcast or audible book you DO want to hear! I was not an airpods "believer" until I received them as a gift and learned what all the fuss was about!
Rain gear to walk or workout in less than sunny weather. The Showers Pass Century CC jacket for men and women is pricey, but the ratings will tell you why, and the bright colors (which are amazing!) serve as an added safety feature so that you are seen on the road or on the trail.
Thanks for reading! Thanks for working on your wellness! Thanks for browsing the products and "Happy Trails!"